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Goldfields Heritage Railway
Travel back in time and enjoy a ride on a heritage train with Goldfields Railway. Journey between Waihi and Waikino at the eastern end of the spectacular Karangahake Gorge.
Experience a section of what used to be known as the East Coast Main Trunk Line which stretched from Auckland to Taneatua south of Te Puke. Enjoy an area rich in history, including historic goldmining which shaped much of this part of the Southern Coromandel.
Have a break at Waikino Station with a hot or cold drink and a Devonshire scone. Alternatively take time to visit the gorge and historic sites, then return to Waihi on a later train.
Please check the timetable for return times before you travel; there are many days when we only run one train. When there is more than one train, turn-around times at Waikino vary.
If you have a return ticket, you can catch any available return.
If you are interested in making a booking for a group or organization please click on the contact option at the top of this page and fill out the form.
Wheelchair facilities are available at both stations, with a special passenger car available with at least two days' notice via phone or email - https://www.waihirail.co.nz/contact/ .